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Blue Checks Body, head and neck a deep rich blue slightly darker than the Blues. The checkerings on the wings sharp and distinct and black in color. Free from solid colored butts. Breast, rump and undercolor a uniform shade of blue laced with black; beak black; eye cere intense dark blue grey, darker than Blues; color of eyes and bars as in Blues. (Colors)
Silver Bars The wings, body, rump and thighs, a uniform light silver tint (not creamy); the head, neck, flights and tail of a deeper shade; neck lustrous, and the breast free from bronziness; beak horn colour; cere blue grey; eye, rich red; bars as in Blues. (Colors)
Silver Checks Ground color and neck same as in Silvers; checkering even and distinct and as dark as possible, free from solid color butts; beak, cere, eye and bars as in Silvers. (Colors)
Grizzles Blue, Silver or Red; the head, body and wings an even peppery combination of white with blue, silver or red; neither color predominating. The flights and tail of a darker hue, but distinctly grizzled; the neck presenting a frost-like appearance. In Blue Grizzles, beak, eye and bars as in Blues. In Silver Grizzles, Beak, cere, eye and bars as in Silvers. In Red Grizzles, beak horn color, cere as in Silvers, eye red, bars well defined, red in color. (Colors)
Mealies Ground color, flights and tail a creamy white bordering upon white itself, neck and breast deep reddish brown, free from greenish tinge; beak black, cere as in Silvers, eye and color of bars red. (Colors)
Red Checks The Ground color, flights and tail a creamy gray shade, the checking a sound red, free from solid colored butts. Head and neck a sound red, tapering off under the body to a creamy gray in vent and thighs. Beak, eye and cere as in Blues, bars red. (Colors)
Cream Bars The wings, body, rump and thighs, a uniform light creamy tint (not silvery); the head and neck a deeper shade, bars of orange-crome; beak flesh color, eye orange-red, cere powdery white.. (Colors)
Yellow Checks Ground color, body and thighs light cream color, head and neck a deeper shade, checking clear and distinct of orange-crome, beak flesh color, eye orange-red, cere powdery white. . (Colors)
Blacks Sound black throughout with no trace of bars; beak black, cere intense damson color; eye as in Blues. In former times some very beautiful checkers existed with light markings on the butts, accompanied by very light under-color. Should these recur they should not be unduly penalized. . (Colors)
Whites Pure white throughout, beak flesh color, cere powdery flesh; eye bull or dark hazel. . (Colors)
Reds A uniform deep rich red throughout; beak flesh color free from stain, eye color orange-red, cere powdery flesh color. . (Colors)
Yellows A uniform soft rich orange-crome tint throughout; beak flesh color free from stain, eye color orange-red, cere powdery flesh color. . (Colors)
Presently shown as one class. Indigo Bars, Indigo Checks, and Andalusians are by definition Blue Bars, Blue Checks, or Blacks with one "Indigo" gene. Beak, eye ceres, and eyes as in Blues. Homozygous (double dose) indigo and dilute indigo birds are lighter in color with much more bronzing—these are not to be excluded or unduly penalized.
Andalusians—The breast, body, back, and tail is an even shade of midnight blue (gun metal) shading to black on the head and neck. The wing is a bit lighter with dark blue edging, or lacing, on each feather. Free from bronzing.
Indigo Bars and Indigo Checks—The appearance is somewhat like an extremely dark and dirty Mealy or Red Check—bars and checks rusty-bronze colored, the tail bar is washed out.. (Colors)
Any Other Colors These are colors "made" by combining color factors commonly found in Dragoons, but for which there is no Standard recognition. These colors include Duns, Spread Ash Reds, Grizzled Blue Checks, Grizzled Red Checks, Grizzled Silver Checks, Grizzled Yellow Checks, Black Grizzles, Dun Grizzles, Recessive Red Grizzles, or Recessive Yellow Grizzles. Splashed and White-flighted Dragoons are considered to be stock birds and are not to be entered in the A.O.C. Class. Splashes are entered in correct color classes and are penalized for color faults according to the judge's discression. White-flighted Dragoons are disqualified from competition.. (Colors)
Rare Colors These colors result from color modifiers not historically found in the breed and cannot be produced from Dragoons unless the color factors (genes) are introduced by outcross to another breed. These color factors include but are not limited to: Brown, Khaki, Reduced, Almond, Barless, Opal, Faded, Chalky, Toy Stencil, Frill Stencil, Pale, etc. Andelusians and Indigos were formerly included in this category until popularity dictated creation of a separate color class for them.. (Colors)
Note An exhibit whose carriage is not presented correctly should be duly penalized.
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Order of Evaluation Adopted by the A.D.C in 1985
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